Documents Required To Open A Demat Account In Zerodha List

Know the details about the Documents Required To Open A Demat Account In Zerodha List, List of Document Needed to Open Demat Account Zerodha

The Comprehensive Guide to Opening a Demat Account with Zerodha

Are you planning to dive into the world of stock trading and considering opening a demat account with Zerodha? If yes, then you’ve come to the right place. This article will provide you with an in-depth understanding of the documents required to open a demat account in Zerodha, along with a step-by-step procedure, key points to note, and a detailed FAQ section.

Documents Required To Open A Demat Account In Zerodha List

About Zerodha

Zerodha is one of India’s leading discount brokerage firms that provides a platform for trading in stocks, derivatives, commodities, and more. They offer a seamless, user-friendly interface and low-cost trading options, making them a popular choice among new and experienced traders alike.

Documents Required

To open a demat account with Zerodha, you will need the following documents:

  1. PAN Card: A self-attested photocopy of your Permanent Account Number card is mandatory.
  2. Address Proof: This can include documents like your driving license, voter ID, passport, or any other government-approved address proof.
  3. Bank Statement or Passbook: You must provide a copy of your bank statement or passbook for the last six months.
  4. Income Proof: This can be Form 16, Income Tax Return (ITR) acknowledgment, the latest salary slip, or a net worth certificate.
  5. Cancelled Cheque: To link your bank account.

Note: For online account opening, Aadhaar is also required.

Step-by-Step Procedure

  1. Visit Zerodha’s official website and start the signup process.
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions and complete the e-sign process using Aadhaar.
  3. Upload the required documents such as proof of identity, proof of address, and a cancelled cheque or bank statement.
  4. Once your documents are verified, your account will be activated, and you will receive your login credentials.

Points to Note

  • Ensure all the documents are valid and up-to-date.
  • The name on all the documents should match the name provided during registration.
  • Keep digital copies of all the documents for easy upload.

Things to Know

Zerodha charges a nominal fee for account opening and maintenance. Make sure to check out their latest fee structure on their official website.


Opening a demat account with Zerodha is a straightforward process. Their user-friendly interface and comprehensive customer support make it easier for beginners to start their trading journey.


Q. Can I open a Zerodha account offline?

Yes, Zerodha provides an option to open an account offline. However, the documents required might vary slightly.

Q. How long does it take to open a Zerodha account?

Once all the documents are submitted and verified, the account can be activated within 24-48 hours.

In conclusion, Zerodha offers a simplified account opening process. With the right set of documents in hand and by following the steps outlined above, you can easily set up your demat account and embark on your trading journey. Happy Trading!

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